Fawcett Magna – 1644

The war in Borcetshire was in early 1644 still raging with neither Royalists or Roundheads having gained significant advantage. In an attempt to regain the initiative another raid was conducted by Royalist forces in April 1644. Lord Sutton who was intent on securing the small town of Fawcett Magna, or at least disrupting trade in the area. Alerted to the Royalist field army being on the move Parliamentarian forces under Sir John Palgrave marched south. On the 12th of April, late in the afternoon, the two armies met on the field just north of the town.

By noon Sir John had deployed his forces to block the advancing enemy. His army comprised some 2,400 foote, 900 horse and a handful of light gunnes along with a company of dragoons. Moving rapidly to counter the Royalist raid Sir John had moved south without baggage.

Below, Edward Meredith’s Regiment of Foote during the morning of the 12th. Raised in 1642 for Parliamentarian service, the regiment was originally drawn from the local Borcetshire Trained Bands. By 1644 it was a veteran regiment, with an establishment of some 600 men.

Opposite the Parliamentarians the Royalists deployed. They fielded a similar sized army though with fewer foote and a greater number of horse. Unlike the Parliamentarians they were slowed by a not insignificant baggage train.

The battlefield was bordered on one flank by a series of enclosures. On the Royalist right a small wood constrained the deployment fo some 200 horse. Sir John meanwhile was frustrated by gentle rise in his left rear. He failed to consider its implication when deploying his army. As a result orders sent to Sir Robert Dales, who commanded the Roundhead left, were delayed.

Below, a view of the Parliamentarian centre and left with the enclosures visible in the distance. The horse shown were under Sir John’s direct command and comprised horse willing to charge home retaining their pistols for the resulting melee.

As both armies advanced the Parliamentarians soon pressed the Royalist right and quickly gained an advantage. However, Royalist resolve stiffened and despite being demoralised the Royalists here conducted a series of counterattacks which in turn demoralised the Parliamentarian left.

Above, Royalist horse on the extreme Royalist right. Unable to deploy initially they would need to advance in column before deploying for battle. They were a target for Sir Robert’s horse and dragoons.

Below, a view of the Roundhead left early in the engagement. Parliamentarian forces here, it will be recalled, were commanded by Sir Robert Dales. He was however on the extreme left, just visible in the distance. The Parliamentarian horse in the foreground are harquebusiers. During the battle they would fire their carbines only to be charged by numerically inferior Royalist horse and break. This resulted in a gaping hole in the Roundhead line.

Elsewhere the battle was pursued with less dramatic results. Both Royalist and Roundhead regiments became fragmented in a series of prolonged musket exchanges and were unable to press the small advantages that occurred.

As dusk drew our battle to a conclusion Sir John was forced to face realities. He had suffered significantly greater losses than the Royalists. Reluctantly he ordered his forces to retire. Lord Sutton’s Royalists had gained a minor, if inconclusive, victory.

Our game used the DBR rules and both armies comprised some 300 points. The miniatures are all 15mm with the Parliamentarians from my collection and the Royalists from my opponent’s. The table was relatively small, measuring just 4′ x 3′, but which I find ideal for a smaller games. Despite the battles size it was a great little action. Hopefully we will schedule another game soon.

Atherton – 1642

The King raised his standard on 22 August 1642 and across the country Royalist and Parliamentarian gathered forces and secured key locations. In the county of Borcetshire things were no different. While more dramatic events were occurring outside the county the armies within began to gather. Many of the troops of the county were drawn from the trained bands but their ranks were swollen by new recruits. By 27th October, just one week after Edgehill, Parliamentarian forces under Sir Alastair Penny moved on Heinsworth Manor, a hotbed of Royalist activity, with the intention of placing the fortified house under siege. Sir Alastair was well studied in the art of war had not served overseas. As such he was to be reliant on his second in command Colonel Robert Dales, a veteran of the wars in Europe. In the upcoming engagement a portion of the Parliamentarian forces would be effectively under Dales command.

Above, Francis Barns’ Regiment of foote. This regiment contained a number of trained band companies and like all the Parliamentarian regiments present at the battle it was well equipped.

But Royalist forces were also in motion under the determined Lord Sutton, the Royalist commander in the county. Sutton had worked tirelessly organising his army and consulting his military manuals. His Lordship had much military service but his memories of campaigns and drills were weakened by years devoted to managing his estates. But in mid October he received the following from His Majesty which left him in little doubt of his duty.

We conceive that it most conducible to the health of the realm that you take a considerable force to march speedily against those forces to that you may supress them such they would comply with my wishes and once suppressed their hopes and ends would sink and be frustrated”.

Alerted to Roundhead intentions against Sutton moved to confront the gathering forces of Parliament. The two armies met near the village of Little Atherton some two miles from Heinsworth Manor and one miles from the town of Atherton. Here Sutton’s army blocked the road.

Between the two armies the ground was generally open. In the immediate area the ground rose slightly in two places, that on the Parliamentarian left being known as “The Plump”. On the Royalist right a wood defined the western edge of the battlefield while on the right enclosures and an area of marsh, nearer the Parliamentarian lines, marked the Royalist left. Lord Sutton deployed his foote, some 2,400 men in two battalia, on his right and centre. That on his right consisting of a greater number of musketters while that in the centre a higher proportion of pike. He extended his left with his cavalry some 500 in number under command of Sir Edward Wadroy.

To counter this deployment Sir Alastair deployed his own foote, organised in four regiments each of 600 men as follows. On the Parliamentarian left were the regiments Gabriel Holmes and to its immediate right Edward Meredith’s. Reinforcing these regiments were six troops of horse, two of which were gentlemen in full armour including Sir Alastair, and four troops of harquebusiers. In the centre were a number of sakers and interestingly four further troops of harquebuisers. On the right, under command of Colonell Robert Dales were the regiments of Vincent Boyce and Francis Barns. Finally, on the extreme right, Captain Robert Witchcote and a small number of dragoons were placed.

Above the general situation with the Royalists on the left. “The Plump” is visible on the right while the village of Little Atherton is visible in the top right. Below, the view from the Parliamentarian centre showing the regiments of Edward Meredith in the foreground with a portion of Gabriel Holmes extending the left. Roundhead sackers can be seen in the right foreground.

The Royalist advance was rapid, with the foote advancing with clear determination. The battalia on the Royalist right was initially constrained by the nearby woods but as it advanced more musketters extended the line. In the centre the deep ranks of pikemen were soon engaged by Parliamentarian gunnes comprising several sakers. These sakers would cause some discomfort to the Royalists. Soon the pace of advance by the centre battalia slackened. Finally, on the Royalist left the horse under the command of Sir Edward Wadroy moved forward.

Sir Robert Dales, commanding the Parliamentarian right, was confident that the advance of Royalist horse was a feint. While reorganising his line of foote he focussed on advancing his harquebusiers to delay the Royalist centre – which he believed posed a significant threat to the Roundhead centre. The harquebusiers, under command of Major Thomas Wild were soon engaged in an exchange with Royalist musketters and several light drakes. These gunnes lacked range yet caused considerable concern to Wild. Wild’s misgivings were fortunately misplaced and as the harquebusiers gave fire the gunners manning the drakes fled.

Above, a view from the Royalist lines with Royalist infantry advancing while Major Thomas Wild’s harquebusiers prepare to advance.

On the Parliamentarian left the foote regiments of Holmes and Meredith were under pressure from sustained Royalist muskette fire. To lessen the pressure Colonel James Frechwell was ordered to advance his harquebusiers and thus threaten the Royalist right – itself devoid of supporting pike. However, Frechwell was met with determined muskette fire and disengaged.

It was however events on the Royalist left that would define the battle. Determined to press the Roundhead line the somewhat excitable Sir Edward Wadroy ordered a charge on the formed foote regiments of Vincent Boyce and Francis Barns.

Above and below views of the Royalist left as Sir Edward Wadroy prepares to charge. The Parliamentarian foote had advanced in an effort to pin a portion of the Royalist horse and prevent them attacking Roundhead horse moving forward in he centre.

The Royalist horse moved forward rapidly and were met with unprecedented determination. The Royalist horse were dispatched with bloody vengeance. Unable to rally his horse, save a single troop, the Royalist left was unhinged. Below, the shattered Royalist horse.

As the Royalist left broke the horse of Parliamentarian centre under Major Thomas Wild was encouraged. Wild ordered his harquebusiers to charge the Royalist musketters despite them being supported by Lord Sutton and his small mounted bodyguard. Wild’s harquebusiers were thrown back with considerable loss though fortunately their success was not followed up by Sutton who was by now, and rightly so, concerned by his losses.

As dusk neared Lord Sutton ordered the army to retire. Without doubt his foote in the centre had taken heavy casualties. But it was the loss of Sir Edward Wadroy’s horse that was the most tragic blow for Royalist cause in Borcetshire. Sutton was in need of reinforcements if he was to supress these rebels.

The above was a brief report of our most recent encounter set in the fictional county of Borcetshire and involved three players. The encounter was in part a refresher for two local opponents. The Parliamentarians are from my collection while the Royalists from Robin’s. The armies, all 15mm miniatures, comprised some 300 points while the table measured 4′ x 3′.

Cromwell’s Adventures

In part to rectify the lack of posts here of late a few photos of Friday evening’s game seemed in order. This game found the Ottoman Turks engaged against an English expedition dispatched by the Lord Protector in 1654. There is little historical basis for this engagement except in the same year hired English and Dutch ships were assisting the Venetians against the Turks in the Cretan Wars including the Battle of the Dardanelles in May 1654. I will use this as the historical basis for the deployment of land forces, be it admittedly tenuous.

As to the miniatures my opponent fielded his recently painted 15mm Ottoman Turks. Above, infantry of the Turkish left. While below, the Ottoman centre and right. The cavalry on the Turkish right were a mixed bag comprising both regular and feudal cavalry.

In contrast to the new recruits of the Ottomans the miniatures of the New Model army were painted 35+ years ago. While veterans they haven’t been on the table for many years. Now to the battle…

The English foot regiments deployed in the centre and right with cavalry to the right rear initially. Extending to the more open left flank were more New Model horse, these supported by commanded shot. Below, the New Model right. The English plan being to advance in echelon on the right delaying the engagement of the left as much as possible.

On the extreme English right the English fleet caused considerable disorder amongst the Ottoman light horse, but less on the Turkish heavy cavalry.

Yet for all the manoeuvre the battle could only be decided with determined charges, of which there were many. On the English left Ottoman light horse poured around the flank, though not shown, to be mostly thrown back.

Below, the New Model foot advance. Periodically their advance was paused by the fire from the great Turkish guns to their front.

On the English right the New Model musketeers decimated the Turkish foot opposite. However, the swirling mounted melee here was more even and hung in the balance.

Above, the cavalry of the English right are engaged by the Ottoman Qapukulu. Below, the English gain some initial advantage.

The fighting now surges back and forth with first the Ottoman commander and then the English commander reinforcing the melee.

However, despite great determination by both commanders as dusk fell the battle was still undecided. Yet it was a most enjoyable engagement and an ideal opportunity for my opponent to refresh himself with the rules.

Ashington Field

On Friday last Sir John Palgrave moved slowly in his seat. He had been happily contemplating a fine meal recently consumed only to be disturbed gentleman of his staff advising that his old enemy, the redoubtable Royalist Lord Sutton, was almost upon him. Sutton it seemed, had stolen a march on him and would soon be on the field of battle. Sir John ordered his horse and motioned to the door of the tavern. Turning to Sir Robert Dales, his trusted subordinate, he gave encouraging words. “Take solace sir as we shall before this day is out have given a good accounte of ourselves, and will, with gods blessing, slight the Papists that are converging from divers places upon us. With our pikes we will stand strong and our will musketts speak with righteous form”.

Soon after departing the Wild Swan, a fine ale house if ever there was one, Sir John sat comfortably upon his horse viewing his army deployed in all its splendour on the fields west of the small village of Ashingdon. Towards the centre of his line a gentle hill provided an excellent observation point and one on which he was now positioned. Further forward and to the left another hill separated his line from the enemy right. Sir John had at his disposal some four regiments of foote each of 600 men. They were from left to right those of Gabriel Holmes, Edward Meredith, Vincent Boyce and finally Francis Barns. These were supported ten troops of horse mostly harquebusiers save two troops of gentlemen in full armour and a company of dragoons. The horse were deployed to the rear in near equal parts betwixt the left and right flanks except a reserve of lobsters around his own body in the centre. The army was further supported by several gunnes. Of these the larger gunnes, being mostly sakers, were on the centre and the lighter pieces further to the left.

In the distance the Royalists had by now deployed. The Royalist left contained mostly foote deployed in two regiments with the pike drawn up in deep formations supported by sleeves of shotte. Each regiment comprised 800 men, but with one muskett to each pikemen, the whole supported by a number of light gunnes. Extending to the right the Royalist line comprised several sakers and a body of commanded shotte who numbered 700 men. Finally, the Royalist horse were drawn up on the extreme right some seven troops, constrained somewhat at least initially, by several small woods.

Above, a portion of the Royalist line. Below, a view of the Parliament line with Francis Barns’ Regiment on the left, Vincent Boyce’s Regiment and on the left Edward Meredith’s green coats.

Below, a general view illustrating the deployments of both armies with the Roundheads on the left and Royalists on the right.

It was near 3pm when the engagement got underway. As the wind cut across the field the standards of both armies flapped in the breeze and with the beat of drum the Royalist foote began their advance. Likewise on the Royalist right the horse moved forward freeing themselves from the confining terrain and expanding to overlap Roundhead left flank.

The Royalist advance against the Roundhead right was met with a deafening retort from the Roundhead sakers that now sent a series of well aimed cannon shot into the Royalist ranks causing much discomfort.

Yet, the Royalist foote did continue to advance until coming within muskett range when the foote did exchange fire. The Parliamentarian right flank, under the command of Sir Robert Dales, outflanked the Royalist line. As the regiments of Vincent Boyce and Francis Barns engaged the oncoming enemy a company of dragoons was dispatched to the extreme left and poured further fire on to the extreme Royalist left. Such was the discomfort clearly caused upon the enemy that Sir Robert soon ordered four troops of his harquebusiers also to the flank, hoping to turn the situation to his advantage at the earliest.

However, on Parliamentarian left flank the situation looked bleak. A party of Royalist dragoons under Captain Constantine Lister, formerly of the Skipton Castle garrison, had secured the gentle rise in front of the Parliamentarian lines and as a result Gabriel Holmes regiment of foot looked set to be outflanked by Royalist horse and engaged by the Royalist commanded shot. A dire situation indeed.

Sir John Palgrave therefore ordered four troops of horse to advance against the dragoons and then having scattered the dragoons engage the advancing enemy foot. The latter were to suffer a bloody nose at the hands of the Parliamentarian horse as they broke into the Royalist foote who were unable to withstand a determined charge. Yet, as Major Thomas Wild’s horse fell upon the Royalist dragoons the first of the Royalist horse charged Holmes’ regiment.

Holmes later wrote that “Neither musketters nor pikemen alone can be singly sufficent to withstand the able and resolute horsemen. Yet when musketts and pikes being conjoined in one body and being well ordered they are not only able to defend themselves against the fury, but also to put them to the worst”. The first line of Royalist horse was dispatched with bloody vengeance.

No sooner had the first Royalist horse been driven off that the second line, under the direct control if the somewhat excitable, Sir Edward Wadroy fell upon Holme’s regiment which was now extended by the Lobsters under Sir John Palgrave. Yet despite Royalist gallantry Wadroy’s horse was driven back and with it all hope on the Royalist right.

Now, with dusk fast approaching Sir John hoped that news from his right flank would be equally positive. Indeed the Royalist foot here were being badly handled by the Roundhead veterans, such that after a final discharge of muskets Francis Barns’ shotte fell upon the Royalist foot with clubbed musket and thus rolled up the enemy’s flank. However, while a portion broke and fled the second regiment stood firm resolute in their service.

Sir John it seemed had failed to destroy Lord Sutton’s army, though without doubt it had been badly mauled and would henceforth fall back to strengthen its ranks, the King’s plans in the north had been frustrated yet again.

So ended another enjoyable evening of DBR and illustrating for me at least the very best in a short evening of gaming.